Hillary Clinton's advocacy group caught giving hundreds of thousands to leftist climate charity with ties to extremist protests

 June 5, 2023

Hillary Clinton has been caught giving massive sums of money to the Climate Emergency Fund, a climate charity based in Beverly Hills, that has been funding extremist activists including vandalizing fine art.

Tax documents show Clinton gave the organization $300,000 between 2021 and 2022 through her non-profit group, Onward Together.

Clinton's money has been used to bankroll groups like A22 Network and Just Stop Oil, the latter of which splattered tomato juice all over a Vincent Van Gogh painting at London's National Gallery that was worth $84 million.

Diane Chaytsina, a Just Stop Oil spokeswoman, issued a statement on the attack saying, "Like the U.S. Civil Rights movement, the anti-Vietnam War effort, and the Suffragettes in Britain, non-violent civil disobedience is the tool of last resort in a democracy when the government is not doing what it must. If you are younger than 45, you have never seen a normal climate, and the worst, with billions at risk, is yet to come."

Clinton isn't the only high-profile Democrat supporting the Climate Emergency Fund. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has given thousands to the radical group according to campaign finance disclosure statements.

Democrats are funding activist groups that are committing outrageous crimes and as such they should be held responsible. Clinton and her Democrat compatriots are aiding and abetting criminals.