Pope Francis Undergoes Intestinal Surgery

 June 8, 2023

Pope Francis was scheduled to undergo surgery on his intestine this week.

Francis is expected to remain hospitalized for several days, according to a report from the Vatican.

Francis, 86, had 13 inches removed from his colon two years ago due to an inflammation in his large intestine.

A memo released by the Holy See Press Office said Francis would "undergo a laparotomy and abdominal wall surgery under general anaesthesia."

"The surgery, decided upon over the past few days by the medical team assisting the Holy Father, became necessary due to an incisional laparocele (hernia) that is causing recurrent, painful and worsening sub-occlusive syndromes," the statement added.

The decision for surgery came after Francis visited doctors at the same facility earlier this week, per the Vatican News.

Following the initial colon surgery in 2021, Pope Francis said "some people wanted me to die," speaking about moves made by high-ranking church members to replace him.

"I know there were even meetings between prelates who thought the pope’s condition was more serious than the official version," Francis said. "They were preparing for the conclave [to elect a new pope]. Patience! Thank God, I’m all right."

"Francis has drawn scrutiny from traditional Catholics for statements on social issues such as gay marriage and climate change and for restricting the use of the traditional Latin Mass," the Washington Examiner reported.