Harvard poll finds majority of voters believe Trump will be acquitted

 June 20, 2023

A new Harvard/Harris poll found that 55% of respondents believe the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump is “politically motivated,” and 56% of respondents believe it is election interference.

Democrats had hoped to derail Trump's campaign with the indictment, but it seems to have backfired badly.

The poll found that 57% of poll respondents believe that Trump will ultimately be acquitted on the federal charges. If that happens, Democrats will simply have strengthened Trump going into a 2024 match up against President Joe Biden.

Trump's indictment has given him a lot of credibility after years of claiming the deep state was out to get him.

Now the indictment and all the activity leading up to the indictment have shown the American people that Trump was telling the truth.

This is terrible news for Democrats who have done everything they could possibly do to stop Trump. All of their effort has only made Trump stronger and increased the chances that he captures a second term.