Harris campaign editing news headlines in her favor

 August 14, 2024

The New York Post is reporting that Kamala Harris' team has been adjusting news headlines in Google search ads to make it seem like major news outlets are on her side.

Harris' campaign team has been editing the headlines without the outlets' knowledge, and the altered headlines appeared on Google with a "Paid for by Harris for President" banner.

About a dozen publishers have been caught up in Kamala Harris' wrongdoing, including major outlets like the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News, the Associated Press and PBS.

It shouldn't surprise you that liberals are doing something as disgusting as lying to the public like this.

For example, the Harris campaign is taking NPR articles about the ACA and retitling them "Harris Will Lower Health Costs."

They then make the made-up title link the reader to the NPR website.

As a result, even though NPR might have tried to report the story right down the middle, the audience has already been told how to interpret the article.

It's sad, but liberals can't win without dirty tricks. This is just another example of it.