Handyman gets squatters living in his mother's house out

By Jen Krausz on
 March 26, 2023

A handyman whose mother's house was taken over by squatters figured out a novel way to get them out of her house, according to Fox News.

Flash Shelton shared in a YouTube video that he didn't get much help from police when a woman claiming to be a prison guard moved into his mother's house without permission after he denied her as a renter of the property.

She said that a truckload of furniture was delivered to the house by mistake, but neighbors reported that she and others were actually living there.

Police said that since they were living there, he had to go through legal eviction channels to get her out, even though they had no rental agreement.

So, Shelton moved into the house himself with some guns and his dog, essentially squatting on the squatters.

After he told them he would have their stuff hauled away if they didn't leave, he finally got them off the property. Although it could have had a more violent end, it worked this time for Shelton.