MSNBC Correspondent: GOP Probing Hunter Biden With 'So-Called Whistleblowers'

 July 22, 2023

On a recent broadcast of NBC's MTP Now, network Capitol Hill correspondent Ali Vitali claimed that the Republicans have a plan for the recently released FBI 1023 form that was made public by Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa.

Using the form, Republicans are going "'to bolster these investigations that we saw them do earlier this week with IRS so-called whistleblowers about Hunter Biden and how the tax investigation into President Joe Biden’s son was handled."

Vitali did try to say that the 1023 form was "not exactly a clean win or loss" for either Democrats or Republicans, but most Americans would think that at least on the surface this appears to be a BIG win for Republicans.

"Republicans are going to point to this continuously as a clear sign of wrongdoing or potential wrongdoing and use it to continue to bolster these investigations that we saw them do earlier this week with IRS so-called whistleblowers about Hunter Biden saying that they — that he was given a lenient deal by the Department of Justice for his tax violations. This is yet another page of that as we watch the Senate and the House move forward on the House side, using the power of the gavel to continuously beat this drum against the White House, and against his son, Hunter Biden," she said.

She's right.