Google caught censoring websites of Republican presidential candidates

 August 27, 2023

Google has been caught censoring the websites of Republican presidential candidates by the Media Research Center (MRC), which found that the tech giant is actively suppressing search results and effectively meddling in the 2024 presidential election.

Members of the group used Google to search for “presidential campaign websites," where they quickly discovered irregular results from Google's search engine.

According to a statement from MRC, "researchers searched Google for “presidential campaign websites,” but the search engine did not display a single Republican candidate on its first page of results the day before the first Republican Party presidential primary debate on Wednesday. President Joe Biden’s campaign website, of course, showed up as the second search result along with a Democratic Party challenger Marianne Williamson’s campaign website, which came up as the fifth result."

The report got even worse as researchers also found that, "Google even displayed results for past failed Democratic Party presidential candidates who aren’t even running this cycle, including Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-VT) website, which showed up as the ninth result; Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) campaign website, which came in twelfth; and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign website, which appeared twenty-ninth in the results."

There is no question that Google, which runs the world's biggest search engine, is actively interfering in the election by skewing search results to stop Republican candidates from reaching voters.

The fact that this behavior is still allowed reflects badly on Republicans who have failed to rein in Big Tech's power in any meaningful way.