Glenn Youngkin Says He Will Not Run For President 'This Year'

 May 3, 2023

Despite other reports putting forth some conflicting information, we've got the news straight from the horse's mouth:

Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin does NOT plan to run for president "this year."

There had been much speculation in recent times as to whether Youngkin would run or not. He had even been featured in a number of polls, usually polling in the same range as Nikki Haley or Mike Pence, well behind the top two of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.

Instead of focusing on the White House in 2024, Youngkin says that the people that elected him in Virginia deserve his attention first and foremost:

"On November 2nd, Virginians made a different choice. It was a choice to restore parents’ rights because parents matter. It was a choice to lift the burdens on small businesses and to bring back more jobs. It was a choice for common sense," Youngkin said. "I'm going to be working in Virginia this year."

"And so, our House and Senate are up for full reelection this year. We have a House that’s controlled by Republicans and a Senate that’s controlled by Democrats," Youngkin concluded. "I want to hold our House, and I’d like to flip our Senate. And I think we’re doing a really good job in Virginia, and I think this is a chance to bring that to voters."

Youngkin had been considered a potential contender on the Republican side this year until two of his top team members left to join a super PAC supporting Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.