Frozen human head and hands found in recently sold Colorado home

By Jen Krausz on
 January 21, 2024

A frozen human head and hands found in a recently sold Colorado home have prompted a homicide investigation there, according to ABC News.

The remains were discovered in a freezer on Jan. 12 when the new homeowners were cleaning out the home after purchasing it.

An autopsy confirmed that the remains were human, but no identification has yet been made.

"At this time, we have no other definitive answers until further testing can be completed," the Mesa County Sheriff's Office said in a statement. "These types of tests take a significant amount of time, and again, we ask for patience from the public as this investigation continues."

Police have been in contact with the home's previous owners in an attempt to find out what happened, as the Associated Press reported.

The discovery appears to be an isolated incident with no further threat to the community.