Fox News' Kat Timpf diagnosed with breast cancer hours before giving birth to first child

 February 26, 2025

What a roller coaster of emotions this must have been for the mother-to-be, her family, and her friends.

Fox News' Kat Timpf recently confirmed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer just hours before giving birth to her first child.

Timpf used social media to make what she called an "unconventional birth announcement."

"Last week, I welcomed my first child into the world. About fifteen hours before I went into labor, I was diagnosed with breast cancer," Timpf wrote. She added:

Now, before you worry, my doctor says it’s Stage 0 and is confident that it almost certainly hasn’t spread. Or, as I’ve explained to the few people I’ve managed to tell about it so far: Don’t freak out. It’s just, like, a LITTLE bit of cancer.

The fact that it was just a LITTLE bit of cancer didn't make it a stress-free day, that's for sure.

Timpf continued, "Still, it was not a chill day. I mean, to say the least! I woke up more-than-a-week-past-due pregnant, completely consumed by doing everything I could to get the baby out. By the middle of the afternoon, I was waddling around from appointment to appointment, talking about how to get my cancer out."

She went on, "I sat and listened as they told me that the best course of action would likely be a double mastectomy as soon as possible. I asked all the questions I could, including if I could get a copy of my tumor ultrasound to put on the fridge next to the ultrasound of my baby. Finally, by the middle of the night, I was crawling around on the floor of my apartment in spontaneous labor, before heading to the hospital to meet my baby, whom I’d learn at the time of birth was a son."

Congratulations to Kat and her family for the birth of her son, and please pray that she is able to whip this cancer diagnosis!