Former WH communications director says it's 'super scary' for Biden in 2024

By Jen Krausz on
 December 30, 2023

Former White House communications director Jennifer Palmeri said on MSNBC on Thursday that the outlook was "super scary" for President Joe Biden in 2024.

"Look, it’s super scary," Palmeri said when asked how she would feel if she were on Biden's team now. "The fate of the Republic is hanging in the balance, and there are polls that have Donald Trump leading right now."

Palmeri said the economy could improve with interest rate cuts and make the public feel better about Biden.

"To [MSNBC political analyst Eugene Daniels'] point on the economy, we know that the Federal Reserve is planning on lowering rates. We know that is something that can, that is something that signals to actual consumers, real voters, things are different and things are improving," she said.

Currently, only 34% of Americans in a Monmouth University poll said they approved of the president's job performance.

Palmeri feared the country is just too divided right now and that it will be difficult to reach enough voters to get Biden re-elected.