Former top US general in Afghanistan warned Biden admin of consequences of rapid troop withdrawal

 May 22, 2024

President Joe Biden's disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal is one of his worst missteps as president, to say the least.

According to the Daily Caller, a bombshell Washington Post report this week said that the top U.S. general in Afghanistan at the time warned the Biden administration that the situation would quickly get bad and spiral out of control.

Obviously, the administration didn't heed the general's warning, and that's exactly what happened -- it got bad, fast. And lives were lost.

The Post reported that in testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee last month, Retired Gen. Austin Scott Miller said he repeatedly warned the Biden administration of the consequences of the pull-out, and said that they simply didn't seem aware of the dangers of keeping the U.S. embassy open with such little protection.

The Daily Caller noted:

Miller told lawmakers that he was so troubled that he privately warned a Marine Crops commander in charge of planning for a potential withdrawal to be ready for “really adverse conditions,” according to the Post.

Clearly, Miller understood the inherent danger of Biden's plan to withdrawal virtually all U.S. troops, and knew that it was a nightmare in the making.

He said at the hearing last month, "I did not foresee a good future for Afghanistan as I was departing."

The general was assigned to that particular area in 2018, and quickly understood how fragile the situation was. Even in 2020, it was noted, the general described Afghanistan as "being on fire."

When Biden gave the order to pull all but some 700 troops, Miller told Congress he was "scared" for the remaining troops operating in the Helmand province.

The Daily Caller recalled:

U.S. troops and personnel at the embassy fully withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, a month in which Afghani civilians crowded the Kabul airport in the hopes of being evacuated alongside overwhelmed troops.

As that was unfolding, an ISIS-K terrorist detonated a suicide vest at the airport, which resulted in the death of 13 U.S. troops and roughly 170 Afghan civilians.

While Biden and the White House continue to downplay the gravity of the disaster, it's seen by most as Biden's greatest failure as president.

To this day, the Biden administration insists that the Afghanistan withdrawal was the "right choice." There are at least 13 Gold Star families who strongly disagree with that statement, along with millions of Americans.