Former senator had to tell Biden to stop touching his wife during swearing in

 August 15, 2023

Disgustingly, President Joe Biden has a sick reputation for getting far too "handsy" with women and young children, and one former senator recently opened up about his experience with Biden's sick habit.

According to Fox News, former Sen. Scott Brown revealed during an episode of the Burn Barrel Podcast that during his 2010 swearing-in ceremony, he had to forcefully tell Biden to back off of his wife.

"I told him I’d kick the s--- out — I told him to stop, so yes," Scott said.

He added: "Yes, he didn’t act the way I thought he should, and we called him on it and that’s it."

Fox News noted:

The incident occurred in 2010, according to Brown, when then-Vice President Biden posed for photos with Brown and his wife, Gail Huff Brown, at the U.S. Capitol. Photographers snapped photos at the time showing Biden’s arm behind Huff Brown’s back, the New York Post reported.

The discussion came about after Scott was asked about Biden's recent controversy surrounding his seventh granddaughter, who he only acknowledged existed earlier this month after intense public pressure.

Biden's creepy past instances of sniffing the hair of young children, especially that of little girls, was also brought up during the interview with the former senator.

"This thing with his granddaughter really stuck. Also, I think people are irked out about all the hair sniffing and things. Women are skeeved out by that stuff and he’s not a good guy. You know him," podcast host Tom Shattuck said.

Fox News listed multiple incidents of Biden acting super creepy toward women and children, including one account 2015 that was especially disturbing.

One of the most famous instances of Biden acting awkwardly around children was in 2015, while serving as vice president, when he oddly whispered into the ear of Sen. Chris Coons' daughter during his swearing in ceremony for another Senate term.

Biden currently faces a daunting challenge for the 2024 presidential election, as he continues to slide in the polls and continues to fail to convince the voting public to sign on to another four years of a Biden-level economic disaster.

The White House certainly can't afford any additional gaffes or creepy moments. America is sick of it.