Former Obama Press Secretary Says Biden Lying About Economy

 November 8, 2023

When even Barack Obama's team is saying that Joe Biden needs to cool it on the lying, you know that our president has really been telling some WHOPPERS lately.

Perhaps the biggest of which in recent days has been his countless assertions that America's economy is back.

It isn't.

Even liberals know that.

Former Obama White House press secretary Robert Gibbs is calling out Joe on the economy specifically, saying that Joe Biden "needs to stop talking about the fact that America is back." The message should be that "we have a plan to bring America back, we are trying to improve your lives."

But that isn't what Joe is telling us.

Joe is just lying to us and saying the economy is back.

Even Robert Gibbs isn't willing to defend that. He said:

"oe Biden has got to have an economic message that breaks through. The disconcerting numbers that show Trump’s more trusted on the economy than Biden should be alarming. Look, to be very blunt about this, I think the President needs to stop talking about the fact that America is back. I think he needs to talk about the fact — we have a plan to bring America back, we are trying to improve your lives. But the truth is, people — you can’t talk your way into having people feel better about the economy. I think this idea of looking at this through economic statistics and saying that the economy has recovered is a danger for people whose lives don’t feel different, even though inflation is down over nine months, it still costs a lot more money to borrow money for a car, it still costs a lot more money to pay your mortgage. And I think you’ve got to live where people live, and only then are you going to have the permission structure, I think, to talk really about democracy in a way that’s important.