Florida AG torches DHS Sec. Mayorkas regarding illegal immigrants on terror watchlist being released

 August 15, 2024

To say that President Joe Biden's illegal immigrant crisis at the southern U.S. border is dangerous for American citizens is an understatement.

According to Fox News, a bombshell House report this week revealed that under the Biden-Harris administration, some 100 illegal immigrants who were on the terror watch list have been released into American streets.

Among others, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody is demanding answers, the outlet noted.

"Despite this obvious danger, the Biden-Harris administration has refused to communicate with the states about these aliens. This is absolutely unacceptable, and we demand to know who is in Florida so that law enforcement here can do the job that Biden and Harris have refused to do," AG Moody said.

As many have pointed out -- the scariest part is that it only takes one terrorist to wreak havoc on the country. Under Biden and Harris, there are at least 100 watchlisters out there roaming American streets, plotting who knows what.

Moody's comments came in the wake of a scathing letter she penned to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in which she demanded to know why so many on the terror watchlist have been turned out into the general public as if it's no big deal.

"Following the horrific attacks on our country on September 11, 2001, the 9/11 Commission made a number of findings and recommendations regarding how to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again," Moody's letter began.

She added, "Among those findings are (1) that ‘immigration . . . was not seen as a national security matter’ and (2) that law enforcement and national security agencies had a ‘weak system for processing and using’ available information and a ‘resistance to sharing information.’ It appears that, under your failed leadership, DHS has not taken those lessons to heart."

The rightfully concerned Florida AG also demanded information regarding the processes DHS uses to determine "if a migrant is on the terror watchlist, how it consults with other agencies and foreign governments on migrant terror threats, and how the agency locates or arrests a migrant on the watchlist who is not in DHS custody," Fox News noted.

Perhaps the most frightening part of the House report on the situation is that it was noted that it's unclear how many more potential terrorists there are within the millions of "gotaways" that manage to sneak past U.S. Border Patrol agents.

Fox News noted:

The report also found that Border Patrol agents encountered migrants on the terror watchlist from 36 countries, including terror hot spots such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan and Yemen.

Vice President Kamala Harris, now the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, has still refused to answer questions regarding her record on the border.

Only time will tell if the current administration complies with Moody's request for further information for the sake of Americans' safety.