FBI Knew Clinton Was Lying About Trump, Did Nothing

 May 16, 2023

I'm sure you remember a few years ago when Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were both pursuing America's presidency, some very nasty rumors started to circulate about Trump being in bed with Vladimir Putin to try to influence the election.

Hillary Clinton's campaign started that rumor, even though they knew it wasn't true.

The FBI also knew it probably wasn't true, and refused to even look into the issue.

Special Counsel John H. Durham's final report on Trump's "Russian Collusion" has been released, and the truth does NOT paint America's liberals in a good light.

The Clinton campaign created and spread the rumor, and many of America's top liberals and liberal agencies stood around and let it happen.

Joe Biden knew Clinton was going to make up a story about Trump and Russia.

Barack Obama knew Clinton was going to make up a story about Trump and Russia.

The FBI knew Clinton was going to make up a story about Trump and Russia.

And NONE of them did a single thing to stop it.

They're liars, they're cheats, they're career politicians. They've been getting rich of lying to Americans for years. It's time for this nonsense to end.