FBI Agents Kill Man Who Made Threats Against Biden

 August 11, 2023

You've probably never heard of Utah resident Craig Robertson before this week, but now he's on the tongue of almost every person in America.

Thanks to America's FBI, he's also dead right now.

Federal law enforcement confirmed that Robertson was shot and killed on Wednesday morning by FBI agents who were attempting to serve an arrest and search warrant in Provo, Utah.

President Joe Biden was supposed to land in Salt Lake City, about 45 minutes away from Provo, where Robertson was shot.

Prosecutors are alleging that Robertson had plans to kill the president.

"I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghille suit and cleaning the dust off the m24 sniper rifle. welcome, buffoon-in-chief!" Robertson allegedly posted on social media.

When authorities came to arrest Robertson for posting the threats, they found that he was in possession of a weapon.

Robertson was dead a short time later.