Father Of Marine Biden Left To Die Calls For President's Resignation

 August 9, 2023

Gold star family members of the 13 American service members who were killed in Afghanistan during Joe Biden's premature evacuation of Afghanistan spoke at a public forum in California on Aug. 7.

One of the military fathers had the courage to say what the rest of America was thinking:

Joe Biden should resign.

Forget Joe's criminal involvement with his deadbeat, prostitute-loving son. Forget Joe's unethical quest to use the Department of Justice to end Donald Trump. Forget about the checks that Joe Biden received for political favors.

On the basis of Joe's botched military withdrawal alone, he needs to resign.

Biden left those young people there to DIE.

He needs to be held accountable for it.

"I’m calling out Secretary Blinken, Secretary Austin, General Milley, General McKenzie, Lt. Col. Whitehead — who could not give the order to the snipers to take out the bomber before he detonated his vest — and ultimately, the president," said Darin Hoover, whose son was killed as a direct result of Biden's disastrous plan in Afghanistan. He added:

Do what our son did: Be a grown-ass man. Admit your mistakes. Learn from them so that this doesn’t happen ever, ever again. You all need to resign immediately. Our sons and daughters have more integrity in their little toes than every one of them combined.