'False': Politifact rates Kamala Harris claim that she has 'great approval ratings'

By Jen Krausz on
 August 12, 2023

The liberal fact-checking site Politifact had a rare honest moment on Tuesday when it rated "false" Vice President Kamala Harris' claim in an ABC News interview that she has "great approval ratings."

"At the time the ABC News interview aired, FiveThirtyEight’s average was 39.7% approving of Harris’ performance and 52.3% disapproving, for a net of 12.6 percentage points 'underwater,'" PolitiFact wrote. "Meanwhile, the most recent poll in which more people approved than disapproved of Harris’ performance was from October 2021 and was more than 100 polls ago. That poll, conducted by Saint Leo University, found Harris above water by 2 percentage points, which was within the poll’s 3-point margin of error."

When the outlet asked the White House for its reasoning behind the comment, a spokesperson tried to justify it by saying the interviewer's question was "open-ended" and referencing earlier polls and polls showing 72% support from Black voters in a July SSRS/CNN survey.

"We rate the statement False," PolitiFact concluded.

The rating is unlike another recent one in which Politifact rated "mostly true" the claim that a new Florida Black history curriculum teaches students that enslaved people "benefited" from their slavery.

An author of the curriculum (who is Black), Dr. William Allen, said her statement was a lie that fit the media's agenda of Florida being racist, so they ran with it.