Turley: Eric Swalwell helped Hunter Biden commit 'alleged federal crime'

 December 18, 2023

Lawyer Jonathan Turley has accused Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) of facilitating Hunter Biden's commission of an "alleged federal crime” by flouting a congressional subpoena.

Hunter Biden appeared in front of the Capitol when he was supposed to be doing a closed-door deposition in response to House investigators’ lawful subpoena.

He would then brag to the media that House Republicans would have to operate by his rules, and he would only testify under his conditions.  Biden told the media, "I’m here today to answer at a public hearing any legitimate questions Chairman Comer and the House Oversight Committee may have for me. I’m here today to make sure that the House committee’s illegitimate investigations of my family did not proceed on distortions, manipulated evidence, and lies."

Now it turns out that Swalwell helped Biden with this performance by using his position to reserve the spot for Biden's bombastic press conference.

Turley wrote that "Swalwell surely knew that he was helping Hunter in defying a subpoena and obstructing the investigation into Joe Biden. He not only helped set up the press conference but made sure that he was in the camera frame behind Hunter for every network audience. He presumably utilized congressional staff to assist in this effort."

The prominent legal commentator further noted that Swalwell had "encouraged and facilitated the contempt of Congress." Swalwell might soon regret his decision to support and facilitate Biden's brazen defiance of congressional authority.