Durham Report Shows Abuse Of Power Went Up To Obama

 May 17, 2023

Donald Trump is known to exaggerate every once in a while, but his recent feelings in regard to the findings of Special Counsel John H. Durham have pretty much been on par with the rest of America's.

Durham uncovered a "great fraud" against the people of America.

Turns out that Trump had never been in bed with Russia, and people like Barack Obama and Joe Biden knew it. Still, they let the Clinton campaign spread rumors and didn't do a single thing to stand up for truth in America.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York, was only able to describe Obama and other liberals' compliance with this whole scam as a "criminal abuse of power."

"The long-awaited Durham Report confirmed what the American people already know; that individuals at the highest levels of government attempted to overthrow democracy when they illegally weaponized the federal government against Donald J. Trump," Stefanik said.

Instead of Obama and Biden being held accountable though, the exact opposite happened.

Joe Biden took control.