Durham: 'I Respect My Family And My Lord'

 June 23, 2023

Representative Steve Cohen, a Democrat from Tennessee, tried to tell Special Counsel John Durham that he was a disappointment for telling the truth.

That's because Cohen didn't want to hear the truth.

Cohen probably knew himself that Donald Trump never had any ties to Russia, but Hillary Clinton and her gang of liberal buddies let the FBI spend $32,000,000 investigating the case anyway.

Despite Cohen knowing that deep down, hearing Durham tell the world that still made him furious. He couldn't help but lash out:

"You had a good reputation," Cohen said to Durham. "That’s why the two Democrats supported you. But the longer you hold on to Mr. Barr, and this report that Mr. Barr gave you as special counsel, your reputation will be damaged, as everybody’s reputation who gets involved with Mr. Trump is damaged. He’s damaged goods. There’s no good dealing with him, because you will end up on the bottom of a pyre."

Durham was granted some time from Jim Jordan to respond, and he did it PERFECTLY:

"My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect and my family and my Lord, and I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir," Durham said.