Donald Trump's mugshot serving as rallying call for Americans

 August 28, 2023

Former President Donald Trump’s Fulton County mugshot has apparently “rallied the American people across the political spectrum," according to Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the MAGA Inc. PAC.

During an interview with Breitbart News, Leavitt stated, "You could absolutely see the defiance in President Trump’s eyes and in his face in that mug shot, and it really has rallied the American people across the political spectrum now."

Many liberals celebrated the release of Trump's mugshot, but it seems that the photo has backfired and shown the American people what Democrats are doing in order to beat their chief political rival.

Many see the indictment against the former President as a political hit job and the mugshot has only spread that belief further.

Leavitt went on to say, "We are now seeing a seismic shift in disapproval for Joe Biden and support for President Trump. There was a new poll released yesterday that shows Donald Trump dominating Joe Biden in the general election and there’s been a bunch of polls that show the same thing. And I think that the Democrats have overplayed their hands with all of these witch hunts and indictments of Donald Trump."

Democrats were hoping to damage Trump politically by giving him the ignominious honor of being the only presidential candidate with a mug shot. Instead, Trump's campaign has only gained steam.