Donald Trump's lead continues to grow in South Carolina

 July 1, 2023

Another day, another poll showing former President Donald Trump on top in the Republican presidential primary.

"The National Public Affairs poll released Wednesday shows that 41 percent of the 809 respondents back Trump for the GOP nomination," reported Breitbart. "He sits 23 points above his nearest competitor, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), at 18 percent, who finds a pair of opponents within striking distance."

A May survey from the National Public Affairs poll showed Trump at 38% and DeSantis trailing at 23%.

The results of the poll mark an 8-point swing Trump’s way in the last month.

"Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), who was the Palmetto State’s executive from 2011-2017, holds third place with twelve percent support, followed by fellow South Carolinian Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) at ten percent. Another five percent back former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), while former Vice President Mike Pence, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and former Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) tie at two percent. Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND) takes one percent, while six percent are undecided," Breitbart reported on the poll.

"Currently, Trump posts strong leads in two counties Rubio took in 2016, Charleston and Richmond," the polling memo states. "Moreover, Trump leads by 26 percent in Greenville County, where he won over Cruz by just two percent seven years ago."

"If Trump wins these Rubio counties in 2024, the race is over," the memo added.

"As popular as Trump is, 35 percent of respondents say they are either not considering, to varying degrees, or will certainly not vote for him, per the poll. However, 32 percent and 35 percent say the same for DeSantis and Haley, respectively, marking ten percent increases month over month. Pence and Christie fare the worst on this front, with 55 percent saying they are either not considering or certainly will not vote for the former vice president. Two in three voters take the same approach to Christie," reported Breitbart.