Donald Trump Was Seen Having Dinner With Former Prime Minister...

 May 29, 2023

Former President Donald Trump had a meeting with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson this week.

Johnson is on a tour of the United States and took time out of his travels to have a meal with Trump.

Johnson and Trump discussed during their dinner the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a spokesperson who briefed the press.

"Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP met President Donald J Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the vital importance of Ukrainian victory," a spokesperson who works for Johnson said.

"Johnson, who resigned from 10 Downing Street in July 2022, has been a prominent voice of support for Ukraine in the conservative sphere for years," reports Fox.

Johnson has spent time touring the United States, meeting with conservative leaders, and raising money for the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Trump has previously said that he and Putin had an amicable yet stern relationship. Trump says he warned Putin not to invade Ukraine.

"Johnson previously claimed Putin threatened to attack him with a missile strike after he visited Ukraine prior to the start of the war," reported Fox News.

Trump continues his fight against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.