Trump warns 'treasonous' quest against him will only intensify as he continues to poll strongly

 May 22, 2023

Former President Donald Trump is leading the Republican field and polling strongly despite years of work by Democrats to destroy him politically. Trump claimed on Saturday that Democrats will continue resorting to "treasonous" measures to take him down.

Democrats impeached Donald Trump twice and have pursued multiple criminal and civil investigations against him and have yet to find anything significant that he did wrong.

Trump said in a post on Truth Social that, "A Poll just came out where I am way up on Biden in the General Election. What that means is that the Radical Left Democrats will step up their Fake Investigations on me because they now see they can’t win at the Ballot Box. TRUMP Hating Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, whose family and friends are Big Time Haters also, will be working overtime on this treasonous quest. They are scoundrels and cheats. THIS IS ALL ABOUT ELECTION INTERFERENCE. I hope Republicans in Congress are watching!!!"

Trump is by far the favorite in the Republican field as his nearest competitor, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, is a whopping 43% behind Trump, who holds a 61% support rate.

Trump's vice president, Mike Pence, is in third place with 6% support. Unless something major changes, Trump has the nomination locked up with over a year to go until the RNC convention next July.

Democrats know Joe Biden can't beat Trump again and will do everything in their power to take the former president down. They cannot afford to let Americans make the choice between Trump and Biden in 2024.