Donald Trump Towers Over DeSantis In Polling...AGAIN

 May 3, 2023

Former President Donald Trump continues to carry a commanding edge over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in hypothetical polls.

Morning Consult’s latest Republican presidential primary tracker poll shows Trump with a towering lead.

"The poll published on Tuesday shows that 56 percent of potential Republican primary voters back Trump for the nomination," reports Breitbart. "He sits 34 points ahead of DeSantis, who has not announced a White House bid, at 22 percent. DeSantis has gained slightly compared to last week’s poll, which had him and the 45th president at 24 percent and 58 percent, respectively."

No other candidate beyond Trump and DeSantis garnered double-digit support.

Former Vice President Mike Penc4e garnered 7% of the vote, followed by former Gov. Nikki Haley in fourth place with 4%.

"Morning Consult also asked Trump and DeSantis supporters who their second choice would be. They both took strong pluralities of one another’s voters, with 44 percent of Trump backers identifying DeSantis as their second option and 42 percent of DeSantis supporters saying they would back Trump if the governor does not run," reported Breitbart.

Polls continue to put Trump in the lead with no one coming even close to competing with him. The 2024 presidential Republican primary will be interesting, to say the least.