Donald Trump sounds the alarm about Chinese spies in the United States

 February 5, 2023

Former President Donald Trump said on Friday that China has “many thousands of spies working in the United States" spread throughout key industries working to undermine U.S. interests abroad.

Trump said in a video posted to Rumble, "It’s rarely even mentioned that China has many thousands of spies working in the United States in business, finance, academia, technology, media and likely, even government, very sadly."

Trump then went on to call out President Joe Biden for undermining initiatives he began during his administration to combat China's efforts to undermine the United States.

Trump said, "As president, I established a special initiative at the Department of Justice tasked with the sole mission of targeting Chinese espionage in the United States. Joe Biden terminated that program right away, suggesting that it was somehow racist. According to published reports."

Finally, Trump demanded that Republicans in Congress "dig deep into the financial operations of the University of Pennsylvania, it’s Chinese donors, the Biden Center, and the Biden family and figure out what the hell is going on."

President Joe Biden is either ignorant of China's influence in the United States or he is actively looking the other way. Either way, Americans deserve answers, and Republicans must act to counter China before it is too late.