Trump Leading Biden In Hypothetical Matchup: Poll

 May 9, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has a clear lead over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical matchup for the 2024 Presidential race.

A recent Washington Post and ABC News poll shows Trump prevailing over Biden if matchup were to happen between the two today.

"The poll shows 49 percent of respondents said they would definitely or probably vote for Trump against Biden, or that they lean towards voting for Trump, whereas Biden in such a scenario only nets 42 percent," Breitbart reported on the poll.

That puts Trump in the lead by a whopping 7%

The last time Americans voted a former president back into the White House after he'd previously lost was in 1892 when then-former President Grover Cleveland was elected. Cleveland was thus the 22nd president and the 24th president.

If Trump defeats Biden in the upcoming race, and polling is showing he would, he will be the 45th president and the 47th president.

President Biden just recently launched his 2024 reelection campaign with a video message, although he has not appeared in public much at all, so it could be a bit early for polling numbers to be an accurate reflection.

However, multiple polls continue to reflect Trump dominating Biden.