Donald Trump says Joe Biden's mental health is worse than his physical health

 August 6, 2023

Former President Donald Trump tore into President Joe Biden, saying his “mental” problems are worse than his “physical” problems, both of which constitute major concerns for voting Americans going into 2024.

Trump stated, "I can only say probably. I mean, I watch him walking out of a helicopter. I watch him—just watch him. He can’t walk up a flight. He hasn’t gone down going down a flight but going up a flight he seems to have a problem. He can’t go up a flight of stairs. I think he’ll—I don’t know. Physically and mentally, I think his mental is worse than his physical if you want to know the truth.”

Trump went on to speculate about the prospect of the current president even making it to the 2024 elections.

There is a possibility that Biden simply can't run the race, and his deteriorating health will force him to back out.

If that does happen, Trump will likely face off against California Gov. Gavin Newsom. There is also a possibility that Vice President Kamala Harris would run in Biden's place, but that is the Democrat Party's worst nightmare.

One way or another, Biden is already in bad shape and is unfit to serve as president. Thankfully, trends indicate that Americans are done with Biden, and Trump has a real shot at crushing it in 2024.