Donald Trump reveals 4 names when asked about VP options

 May 25, 2024

Donald Trump was recently asked about who topped his most recent list of potential vice president candidates for 2024.

Surprisingly, Doug Burgum, who recently led the betting odds market as the favorite to be chosen by Trump, was not on the list.

Instead, the four people Trump named were Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. J.D. Vance from Ohio, and Rep. Elise Stefanik from New York.

Rubio is Florida's senior senator, and he is still remembered by a lot of people for having been dubbed "Little Marco" by Donald Trump during the 2016 primaries.

Stefanik, a congresswoman from New York, is an attractive option if Donald Trump is serious about turning the Empire State red for the first time in decades.

Carson would be an excellent option to raise credibility with minority communities, a strategy that Joe Biden used when he said that he picked his VP candidate based on skin color and gender instead of qualifications. The difference is that Carson would raise credibility with Black voters, and he's EXTREMELY qualified.

Vance just recently burst onto the scene, but the amount of energy and passion with which he approaches his job reminds some people of Trump himself.

Whom do you think Trump will eventually pick?