Donald Trump Leads DeSantis IN FLORIDA

 April 12, 2023

If in November 2022 you would have told me this news, I would have said you need to visit a doctor.

In April 2023, it's the truth. Donald Trump is leading Ron DeSantis in FLORIDA for the 2024 Republican primary.

Trump collected 43% support in the newest Victory Insights survey. Governor Ron DeSantis came in at 35%. Third in the poll was anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy at 3.5%. Nikki Haley was fourth with 3%. Arkansas Republican Asa Hutchinson was the only other person to collect over 1%.

While it's surprising that Trump would be this far ahead of DeSantis in Ron's the governor's home state, the survey that excluded him was almost as shocking based on how much of a blowout it was.

In that scenario, Trump leads Nikki Haley by a score of 66% to 8%.

Trump was quick to point out his big victory in Florida: