Donald Trump launches attack on Vivek Ramaswamy accusing him of disloyalty, betrayal

 January 15, 2024

Former President Donald Trump's presidential campaign made the inexplicable decision to open fire on Vivek Ramaswamy and accuse him of being disloyal to the America First movement.

Trump took to Truth Social on Saturday to say, "Vivek started his campaign as a great supporter, 'the best President in generations,' etc. Unfortunately, now all he does is disguise his support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks."

The attack was inspired by T-shirts that Ramaswamy supporters wore in Iowa. Trump continued in his Truth Social rant by saying, "Very sly, but a vote for Vivek is a vote for the 'other side' — don't get duped by this. Vote for 'TRUMP,' don't waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA."

The accusation against Ramaswamy of not being "MAGA" is both insane and misinformed.

Ramaswamy is about as staunchly America First as it gets, and Trump is clearly being directed by short-sighted advisors in attacking someone who should be seen as an ally.

Ramaswamy's popularity has been building, and Trump's campaign clearly views him as a threat. Regardless, Trump's campaign needs to be careful, as Ramaswamy and those like him are truly the future of the Republican Party and creating division serves no one but Democrats.