Donald Trump beats Joe Biden in key swing states in 3 different polls

 November 12, 2023

Former President Donald Trump beat President Joe Biden in key swing states in three different polls over this past week.

The newest poll from Bloomberg News/Morning Consult reinforced findings that Trump is taking a consistent lead in multiple battleground states seen as critical to the 2024 presidential election.

That poll found that Trump is leading Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and in statistical ties with Biden in Michigan and Wisconsin.

Surprisingly, Trump's biggest lead is in Georgia, where he is enjoying a massive seven-point lead over the president. Georgia was one of the more controversial states in the 2020 election, so for Trump to have a lead there means a lot.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Trump has a one-point lead, and in Michigan Trump is tied with Biden at 43%.

A big factor in the swing of Michigan and Wisconsin towards Trump is because of Biden's struggles with Arab American voters who are angry with the president for supporting Israel.