Donald Trump Jr. Says 'No Way' He Will Let Nikki Haley Be VP

 December 27, 2023

During a recent interview with Newsmax, Donald Trump Jr. said he would do everything he could to make sure one GOP candidate never becomes his father's vice president in a new administration.

That GOP candidate goes by the name of Nikki Haley.

“I would go to great lengths to make sure that that doesn’t happen,” Trump Jr. said.

What is his reasoning for not wanting Haley selected for the role?

“Nikki Haley wants never-ending wars. She's a puppet of the establishment in Washington, D.C. She's the new favorite candidate of the billionaire class — no different than academia and Harvard,” Trump Jr. elaborated.

He went on to say that in the case his father did select Haley as the vice president, he feared she would stop at nothing “to destroy Donald Trump from within forever.”

Who do you think should be Trump’s vice president, should he return to the White House?

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