Diane Feinstein briefly hospitalized after fall at home

By Jen Krausz on
 August 10, 2023

Sen. Diane Feinstein, 90, was briefly hospitalized on Tuesday after a "minor" fall at her California home.

The senator passed all her scans and was able to return home the same day, but the news revives prior questions about her health.

It recently came to light that Feinstein's daughter, Katherine, has been given power of attorney over her personal legal affairs.

Democrats would like people to believe, however, that the aging lawmaker is perfectly capable of fulfilling her senatorial duties.

During a recent vote, she had to be told to "vote aye" when she got confused and started making a speech instead.

It appears that Democrats would rather hold onto power than allow this failing old woman to enjoy some peace before she can no longer do so. If she leaves before her term is up, they lose a seat on the Judiciary Committee and won't be able to advance any Biden nominations without Republican help.