DeSantis favorability rating sinks to an all-time low

 June 30, 2023

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is also considered to be former President Donald Trump's greatest rival in the 2024 Republican primary race, is seeing very low ratings on the campaign trail.

A Civiqs poll found DeSantis at an all-time low net favorability rating.

For comparison, a December Civiqs poll found DeSantis with a net favorability rating of -1. At that time, 46% of respondents had a favorable opinion of him compared to 47% unfavorable.

Then, just this week, as of June 26, DeSantis’s net favorability rating is -22. Now DeSantis has a dismal 34% of registered voters favoring him while 56% hold an unfavorable opinion.

Only 9% of voters remain unsure about their opinion of the Florida governor.

"Among independents, DeSantis’s favorability has drastically fallen. Compared to December when DeSantis held a +11 favorability rating among the critical voting bloc, he now sits at -22, with just 33% of independents holding a favorable view of the Florida governor. The survey also found that 12% of independents remain unsure," reported Breitbart on the poll.

This is bad news for DeSantis, as he has spent the last month traveling and campaigning.

The Civiqs poll surveyed 43,769 registered voters. The poll took place between May 18 to June 26.

While DeSantis continues to plunge in the polls, Trump is seeing all-time high ratings, despite the whirlwind of negative news surrounding him.

The coming year will be entertaining as America gears up to elect another president.