Costco Customers Say Store May Stop Stocking Bud Light

 July 15, 2023

Wow, savvy shoppers may have just cracked the code about what is going to happen to Bud Light.

It would appear as though the beer brand that sent its booze to a transgender person to act as a national spokesperson might not be showing up in Costco anymore.

Costco regulars have been reporting noticing asterisks on the price tags of Bud Light around the warehouse chain's stores.

To Costco shoppers, that asterisk is called the "star of death" and indicates an end to the store restocking the beer.

"Is it just me or am I the only one who noticed that Costco has applied their infamous ‘Star of Death’ on Bud Light being sold!" said one Twitter user. "For those of you who don’t know, when Costco puts an asterisk by any item it means it’s about to be discontinued."