Congressional staffer who made gay porn tape on site could face charges

By Jen Krausz on
 December 18, 2023

A congressional staffer who made an amateur gay pornography video in a Senate conference room could face charges for doing so, Fox News legal contributor Jonathan Turley said.

Turley cited a D.C. law that prohibits lewd, indecent, or obscene acts as one possible charge. Trespass could be another.

"It also uses an official area for personal purposes, though it is not clear if there were any commercial benefits garnered from the video found on various sites," Turley wrote.

The staffer was reportedly working for Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and the lawmaker's office dismissed a staffer a few hours after the tape was leaked.

No definitive identification has been made of the staffer or his male sex partner as of yet, however, and Cardin's office did not link the dismissal to the video's emergence.

The video was reportedly leaked to the Daily Caller after it was posted to an online group for gay men in politics.