Congress puts together deal that will keep government funded through March

 January 15, 2024

Lawmakers in Congress have created a two-tiered short-term funding bill that will avert a government shutdown and keep the government funded through March, according to congressional insiders.

The bill will move the deadlines from this month to next, with the deadline on March 1 and the second on March 8.

The deal provides Congress with more time to resolve individual spending issues, but many suspect that the deal will simply kick the can down the road and do little to actually resolve the issue of funding the federal government.

The new bill will need to pass both the House and the Senate by Friday if Congress wants to avoid a partial government shutdown.

While there are no guarantees these days, it seems likely that this deal will pass both chambers of Congress and put off the budget fight for a few more months.

Of course, when we get to March, Congress will once again have to play a game of cat and mouse with the funding deadline in an election year.