Comer talks about plan to bring key figures in for questioning in Biden family scandal case

 June 20, 2023

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced that the panel will start hearing from witnesses in its investigation into the "Biden family influence-peddling schemes."

Members of the Biden family might have thought they were going to get away with it, but Comer is leaving no stone unturned.

"We’re going to start bringing in key figures in the Biden family influence-peddling schemes for depositions, and I think we’re on the right track, even though we’re having to fight the FBI, fight the DOJ, fight the Democrats in Congress and fight the mainstream media," Comer said.

Comer recently issued a subpoena for Hunter Biden's former business partner Devon Archer.

Archer is negotiating a deposition date, according to reports.

Comer has promised he will not stop but will continue fighting to get more information. He has said that what the committee has already received is more than what they were told is possible before.

"I think we’ve done as much as we could do with the obstacles we’ve had to overcome," Comer said. "No one thought I would get bank records. No one thought we would get access to the Treasury, Cabinet’s suspicious activity reports, but we would not take no for an answer."

"We kept fighting and we prevailed. When we got access to the suspicious activity reports, the mainstream media said there was nothing there," he added.

"He also pointed to the FD-1023, which memorialized a conversation between the FBI and an informant, who alleged that the CEO of Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma told him that then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter accepted $5 million each for helping the CEO deal with a corruption investigation, among other issues," Breitbart reports.

Comer also noted that FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate testified last week to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the FBI did not want to release the FD-1023 and endanger the informant’s life.

The lawmaker said:

Even though they will tell you and you heard in the testimony when Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley grilled the deputy FBI director as to why they wouldn’t release the Form 1023, they said, ‘Well, we don’t want to endanger the life of our paid informant who’s one of our most trusted, highest paid, most credible FBI informants.’

So if this is the case and the FBI informant’s that credible and the FBI informant tells the FBI that the vice president of the United States took a bribe from a foreign national in exchange for foreign policy and foreign aid, then why did the FBI not investigate it?