Comer letter demands access to documents taken from Penn Biden Center

By Jen Krausz on
 January 12, 2023

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) wrote a letter on Tuesday demanding that White House counsel give the committee access to to the documents taken from the Penn Biden Center, which he says includes documents and briefings about Iran and Ukraine between 2013 and 2016.

“To assist Committee Republicans in investigating President Biden’s recent mishandling of classified information, please provide the following documents and information no later than January 24, 2023,” Comer stated.

Besides the documents themselves, Comer also requested communications about the documents, a list of everyone with access to Biden's office in the Penn Biden Center, and all the documents and communications between Biden's lawyers, the White House, the DOJ, and NARA regarding how documents were retrieved and handled.

Besides Comer, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chair Mark Warner (D-VA) demanded a briefing on Tuesday from the Biden DOJ about the ostensible national security breach caused by the mislocated documents.

Some of the documents were found at the Penn Biden Center, a think tank that has had millions donated from China.

Biden just keeps claiming ignorance about the documents, but at one point he had to know he was moving them out of the White House, which he wasn't supposed to do.