Colorado judge rules Donald Trump must appear on state's primary ballot

 November 19, 2023

Colorado district court judge Sarah Wallace has rejected a lawsuit that sought to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot citing the Fourteenth Amendment, which bars those who have committed insurrection from holding federal office.

Trump's legal team argued that the former president has never “engaged in insurrection” and has never been convicted in court for such a crime, facts which render the Fourteenth Amendment argument moot.

Judge Wallace did find, however, that Trump had indeed committed insurrection, but held that the Fourteenth Amendment provision at issue doesn't apply to the president of the United States.

Wallace previously donated to a political group working to keep Trump off the ballot, which seemingly indicates that she is politically biased and should not have overseen this case.

However, her political bias could explain her bizarre decision. Judge Wallace says that Trump committed insurrection without proof of such claims, while also avoiding a showdown with a higher court overturning her ruling on the issue.

This is the latest case that has reinforced Trump's position on the state's ballot, and it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no Fourteenth Amendment case to be made when it comes to his candidacy in 2024.