Clinton: Age Is An Issue For Biden In 2024

 May 24, 2023

When even one of the trashiest politicians in American history is raising concerns on behalf of her own party, you would think that Joe Biden would be inclined to listen.

He's not. Whether that's because he's too old, too clueless, too stubborn, too incoherent, or too corrupt still remains to be seen.

Even Hillary Clinton is telling America that Joe Biden just might be too old to run the country right now, much less for the extra four years he's seeking that would extend to early 2029.

Clinton, who's a ripe 75-years-old herself, recently said that Biden's "age is an issue, and people have every right to consider" it.

The statement was especially powerful because it came almost immediately after Joe Biden lost his balance in public yet again.

How often does the ordinary person just fall down in public? Joe Biden's done it about half-a-dozen times just since he took office, and he doesn't appear to be getting any younger.

When even Hillary Clinton is concerned, liberals should know it's getting REALLY bad.