Appeals court: 2016 Clinton campaign broke election laws

 July 10, 2024

A federal appeals court has made the decision and Hillary Clinton is NOT going to like it.

Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and a liberal super PAC officially crossed federal election lines when "they flaunted their coordination in a multimillion-dollar effort to defend the Democrat in her losing bid against Donald Trump."

In the decision, America's Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit claimed that Clinton and the super PAC Correct the Record illegally "used an 'internet exemption' to sidestep other restrictions to set up a 'Benghazi Hearing War Room' and conduct a witch hunt of critics without reporting it as a campaign expense."

It's a really sick revelation against the same group of people who are trying to claim that Trump is the one destroying Democracy.

Hillary Clinton still hasn't gotten over her 2016 election loss.

Now we know it's because she couldn't win even though she cheated. I'd feel pretty defeated after that as well.