Report: CIA Played Role In Soliciting Signatures For Hunter Biden Laptop Letter

 May 11, 2023

Recent reporting indicates that at least one CIA employee had a role in soliciting signatures for a letter that undermined the Hunter Biden story, casting doubt on what the country was told about the document.

"Top House investigative committees have evidence that at least one CIA employee allegedly had a role in obtaining signatures for the now-debunked statement that 51 former intelligence officials signed casting doubt on the Hunter Biden story in 2020, according to a joint committee report," reported Breitbart.

A recently released "interim report" contains 65 pages about the details behind the orchestration of the statement. The document was compiled by the Judiciary Committee, Intel Committee, and Weaponization of the Federal Government Select Subcommittee.

"The report focuses largely on the CIA’s Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB), which the agency uses to screen written works, such as books or academic papers, that current and former CIA employees want to publish," according to Breitbart News.

"The committees' report found, based off written testimony from one of the statement’s 51 signatories, David Cariens, that the CIA’s PCRB broached the statement to Cariens, a retired CIA analyst, after contacting Cariens about an unrelated matter — a book he was seeking to publish," reports Breitbart.

Cariens and his wife, also formerly a CIA official, said they would sign the statement. But the agreement to sign came only after the CIA board brought it up to him, Cariens said.

Cariens said in a meeting with Congress, "When the person in charge of reviewing the book called to say it was approved with no changes, I was told about the draft letter. The person asked me if I would be willing to sign."

Everything surrounding the Biden family is laden with scandal and lies. Even America's own CIA agents are helping the Bidens. What will surface next?