China Threatens To Attack 'Without Hesitation'

 June 6, 2023

Chinese National Defense Minister Li Shangfu was looking to make a strong first impression during his debut on the international stage.

He definitely captured people's attention.

Li Shangfu told attendees at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore that China's military would attack "without any hesitation" against any allies of Taiwan.

Apparently, China thinks it's reasonable to start a war with any country that believes Taiwan should be independent from Beijing.

"Today, what Asia-Pacific needs are big pies of open and inclusive cooperation, not small cliques that are self-serving and exclusive," a state-run outlet in China quoted Li as saying.

"China is ready to work with all other parties to build stronger security and confidence-building systems, promote more equitable security rules, improve multilateral security mechanisms and carry out more effective defense and security cooperation," he added.

"China calls for mutual respect which should prevail over bullying and hegemony, fairness and justice should transcend the law of the jungle, eliminating conflicts and confrontation through mutual trust and consultation and preventing bloc confrontation with openness and inclusiveness," Lee continued.