China Promises To Attack 'Without Any Hesitation'

 June 7, 2023

Chinese National Defense Minister Li Shangfu was making his debut on the international stage at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on Sunday, June 5.

Apparently, Li wanted to make a huge first impression, because what he said on that day has had the entire world talking since.

China would be willing to attack "without any hesitation" anyone who supports Taiwan's independence from Beijing.

A state-run network in China quoted Li as saying that "what Asia-Pacific needs are big pies of open and inclusive cooperation, not small cliques that are self-serving and exclusive." He reportedly added:

China is ready to work with all other parties to build stronger security and confidence-building systems, promote more equitable security rules, improve multilateral security mechanisms and carry out more effective defense and security cooperation.

It was next that Li dropped the BOMB that has the world VERY concerned, saying:

If anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will resolutely safeguard China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity without any hesitation, at all cost, and not fearing any opponent.