Chelsea Clinton Slammed Over Stance On Sexually Explicit Books In Schools

 May 2, 2023

Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton is being accused of pushing "pornography" for school aged children.

Clinton came out against "bans" of sexually explicit LGBTQ materials in schools, and soon after, the accusations came.

She took to Twitter to state, "over 50% of the attempted book bans last year involved books with LGBTQ+ characters & themes," but she failed to mention the explicit nature of such books.

Clinton described the books as "a vital way that children, adolescents and adults learn about themselves and our world,” the former presidential daughter insisted that “bans such as these are nothing but harmful."

"In response to Clinton’s support, many expressed outrage, with some accusing the daughter of disgraced former President Bill and scandal-plagued former State Secretary Hillary of pushing 'pornography' for children," reported Breitbart News.

"Periodic reminder that when they accuse us of 'banning books' they’re referring to graphic books containing pornographic content which are offered to kids in schools across the country," wrote the popular Libs of TikTok.

"Why does Chelsea Clinton want your kids to read porn like this in school?" the group wrote.

"Chelsea Clinton has come out in favor of porn for kids," wrote Seth Dillon, Babylon Bee chief.

"The photo on the article you’re quoting features a book with explicit illustrations of sex acts, a book about incest, one a sex story about two 10-year-old boys, one about a man raping and isolating a 12 year old girl, one about a teen girl who seduces a man who kidnaps her…," wrote journalist Chad Greene.

Actress, education advocate, and bestselling author Sam Sorbo accused America's school system of "child abuse." Additionally, Sorbo noted the "craziness" surrounding gender ideology being promoted in schools.