Casey DeSantis draws attention for anti-woke leather jacket

By Jen Krausz on
 June 8, 2023

Casey DeSantis told the world over the weekend that she is on board with her husband's anti-woke agenda.

DeSantis attended a biker rally in Iowa wearing a leather jacket that said, "Where woke goes to die."

The jacket had the outline of Florida and an alligator on it, and it sent a strong message that she didn't care what anyone on the left thinks.

The wife of Florida Governor and GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis plays an integral part in his campaigns, and it's clear she shares her husband's disdain for the left's woke agenda, including teaching children about sexuality and LGBT topics and insisting that transgender medical care for minors is a necessary thing.

It reminded people of the jacket Melania Trump wore in 2018 that said "I really don't care, do u?"

Trump didn't say at the time that the jacket meant anything, but she later admitted it was aimed at the media and her critics.